Better Together Coloring Page and Conversation Activity
Better Together Coloring Page
& Conversation Activity
Students need more peer-to-peer connections. This week’s coloring page says, “Better Together!”.
One of the 5 Core Competencies of social emotional character development is Relationship Skills. This competency is all about the ability to establish and maintain healthy and meaningful relationships with others. We know that in order to maintain a relationship, there needs to be connection. This week’s coloring page provides a way to connect with a friend or a person your student has been missing.
SHARE & PRACTICE THE CATCHPHRASE /// A catchphrase is a concept kids can easily remember. It helps them catch onto a big idea to positively impact the way they think and act, and then they can toss it out for others to catch onto too!
START COLORING /// Print out these coloring cards for your child to color and decorate it. Then Text a picture of the coloring card, drop it off at a friend’s front door or even put a stamp on it and mail it.
CONVERSATION WHILE COLORING /// Take time to start an intentional conversation while coloring. This creates space for connection and for young people to process their feelings.
Why is life better with friends?
What is something nice a friend has done for you?
What can you do this week that would make a friend smile?
Let’s brainstorm some ways that we connect with this person this week. We will need to be will be fun!
COLORING CAN LOWER OUR STRESS LEVELS /// When we draw and color, our brains actually relax. Psychologist Gloria Martinez Ayala noticed that when we color we activate both sides or our brain hemispheres. This type of dual brain function is a great way to manage stress. Ayala also clarified that the process of drawing incorporates the areas of the cerebral cortex involved in vision and fine motor skills. The brain “relaxation” that it provides lowers the activity of the amygdala, a basic part of our brain involved in controlling emotion that is affected by stress. Our bodies benefit from coloring and drawing.