Friendship Flicks Bingo
Friendship Flicks Bingo
Connect with friends, choose a favorite flick, and use the Friendship Flicks Bingo cards to see how many acts of friendship you can spot!
Examples of friendship are all around us! We learn how to be good friends by observing moments of genuine friendship in our family, peers, strangers, and even through media like TV shows and movies. In this Friendship Flicks Bingo game, you will connect with some friends, choose a favorite flick, and use the Friendship Flicks Bingo cards to see how many acts of friendship you can spot! Don’t forget the snacks!
Getting Started
Friendship Flicks Bingo Card
Writing utensil/Bingo marker of choice
A favorite movie
1-3 other friends to participate
Connect with your friends and choose a movie you can watch from home. Every movie watcher should print their own Friendship Flicks Bingo card to use.
Choose a favorite movie to watch at the same time as 2-4 other friends.
Print out your Friendship Flick Bingo Card. Make sure each friend uses a different Bingo board.
Choose if you are going to play traditional Bingo rules or Blackout Bingo rules (Blackout requires filling the entire Bingo board).
Watch your chosen movie, in the comfort of your own home at around the same time as your friends.
Mark off friendship themes as you observe them in the movie until you get a Bingo!
When you get a Bingo, pause the movie and record what time in the movie you got your Bingo.
Compare your board with Friends and see who got Bingo first!
Play as many times as you want with different movies and different friends!
Reflection Questions
What was your favorite friendship moment in the movie? Why?
Did you expect to see more or fewer friendship themes pop up in your movie?
What did you learn about being a good friend from the movie?