Guess Who Game
Our differences help us grow and learn things we couldn’t on our own. We need each other!
Students will guess their classmates based on positive descriptions to create a culture of building up instead of tearing down.
Students will take turns guessing which classmate is being described using positive personality traits as clues. This can be done virtually or in person.
Getting Started
Break the classroom up into teams of 4-6 players
Have each team select (or select for each team) the blindfold buddy
Select a team to go first and share with all team members except the blindfold buddy the names of 3 students present for the class (they do not have to be on the team). If you use Zoom, you can share these names with the team via private chat. If you use a virtual meeting platform without private chat, the blindfolded buddy will need to turn away from their computer screen while you share the names with the rest of the team. Be sure to share names in a precise order.
Team members will take turns each saying one descriptive thing about the first of the three names they were given. One person on the team may use a descriptive trait like eye color, hair color, or height. The rest of the team must use positive personality descriptors or facts like sibling’s names, pets, favorite books, etc.
Examples: This person loves to play soccer. /// This person loves to read. /// This person was on the self-manager board last week. /// This person has a dog named Baloo. /// This person has two younger sisters.
After each team member has shared one descriptive sentence, the blindfold buddy must guess which classmate is being described. You can give them 1-3 guesses.
Continue until all teams have played 1-3 rounds. Re-assign the blindfold buddy every round.
How did it feel to guess which classmate was being described?
Do you think you would have been able to guess if only one descriptive sentence was shared by one classmate?
How did it feel when you heard your classmates positively describing you? Were any of the descriptions surprising?
Did you learn anything new about your classmates?
Did anyone use negative descriptions? How did that feel?
Imagine trying to play the game without a buddy who could see for you. It would be nearly impossible! We need our friends to help guide us toward the right choices in our lives, especially when we may not be able to see all that is in front of us. We need each other!